Friday, June 10, 2011

Split Personality

Split Personality 1
Ever feel like you have two sides to you?  Sometimes you feel one way, then another- and diametrically opposed sides comes out?  I believe that God made us complex and interesting individuals, no two exactly the same.  Sometimes, that "sameness" doesn't even flow throughout one body!

 I recently stumbled across two sweaters----the same size and style, but different patterns.  My brain erupted------I harkened back to something First Lady Michelle Obama wore early in President Obama's term that just delighted me and my mom.  It was a sweater that looked as if it had been made from several sweaters.  It had different sleeves and trims. 
Split Personality 2

With inspiration oozing, I grabbed up the sweaters, some fun trim from the studio and the "Split Personality" series was born. (Because it is so hard to find two sweaters in a style similar enough to fuse, each is one-of-a-kind and the series is very limited in number.)  But, what fun to not be the same-----even in one small sweater.

Another lesson learned.... sometimes inspiration sits under the surface for a long time (I saw Mrs. Obama's sweater over two years ago), before it is triggered and erupts into something fun.  Great reason to keep a sketchbook.

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